On MY planet...

Welcome to my Starfire shrine! Starfire has meant a lot to me since I was little, back when the show first came out. She's kind, she's smart, she's beautiful, and she can hold her own. There's a lot i've always admired about her, and I'm still ibncredibly fond of her. I like most versions of Starfire, but the 2003 version is still my favorite.
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Who is Starfire?

Starfire Starfire is an alien princess hailing from the planet of Tamaran. Her planet was invaded by the Gordanians when she was young, breaking apart her family and ultimately ending in her being traded to the enemy as a slave for peace. While she was being transported, Starfire escaped to Earth and landed in Jump City, attracting the attention of 4 other teenagers, all of who would soon enough befriend her and join forces to create the Teen Titans. Starfire's backstory is only loosely touched on in the 2003 series, with it being expanded on in the tie-in comics, Teen Titans Go! (2004), particularly in issue 46. It explains her planet's invasion, as well as the death of her parents and the disappearance of her younger brother, Wildfire (or Ryand'r).

Her true name is Koriand'r, which in the '03 series, she claims to mean 'Starfire' in English. This and Teen Titans Go! (2013) are the only instances where this is true. In other continuations, Koriand'r is her true name, and Starfire is her hero codename. She uses Kory Anders as a human alias.

Starfire Starfire's current family life is rocky at best, with her parents being deceased, her brother missing, and her elder sister Blackfire despising her. Even so, Starfire does love her sister, and it isn't until issue 46 of the tie-in comics that Starfire disowns her for going too far.

Starfire acts as the emotional glue of the Titans, as shown in 'How Long Is Forever', and loves them each dearly. Canonically, she and Robin are romantically involved, becoming official in the finale movie "Trouble in Tokyo".

Starfire is voiced by Hynden Walch.

Starfire Fanlisting

TT03 Starfire Concept Art/Storyboards (Click!)

My Starfire Collection (Click!)


Coded by Mo 2024
