Welcome to the fortune telling tent!

Feeling: Hungry
Weather: Cloudy
January 17th, 2025
Happy New Year! It's a little late, but we were pretty busy immediately after the 1st; We moved! We've moved provinces, actually, and while it's been a big change, it has been a nice one! Things here are a lot cheaper than they were in Nova Scotia, and there's already more variety and things to do. If only it wasn't so cold and we had the energy to do them lmao.
I've gone ahead and put up my valentine's day theme! I think it turned out pretty cute~ I may fiddle with it some here and there, but for now i think it's nice enough to look at.
With the move over, I'm hoping to have more energy to put into fun things again; For a while I was really stressed, which made me exhausted. Here's to hoping 2025 gives me some more time to do things I enjoy!
November 24th, 2024
Went to the mall today! Got some fun new PJ pants and a Sailor Moon Calendar for next year. We also got to say hello (and goodbye) to Woody, the Christmas Tree. He's very strange, very unsettling, but he's grown on me over the few years I've lived here lmao
Also put up the Christmas theme for the site! I'm such a sucker for silver and white themes, though I was sorely tempted by a gingerbread one, too. I think I'll do that next year!
Behold Woody, btw:

October 22nd, 2024
We went out downtown today! Visited our favorite witchy shop, got Korean BBQ, and even went thrifting. I got a few good finds today, including a crystal ball! The stand was included, and it's a decent size; I already love it so much. Grabbed a book while we were there, too. I'm very excited to start using it! I've been wanting to learn how to crystal scry for a while, so I'm super stoked to finally have my own crystal ball to get started!

September 30th, 2024
Spruced up the entry page, and then the next day immediately swapped it over for some fun Halloween decor. I have no regrets! And I have the 'normal' version saved so i can swap back at any time.
I've been pretty busy, between store stuff and some other things. Hopefully stuff chills soon!
September 10th, 2024
I've been treasure hunting! As in, hunting for old fanlisting codes; Fanlistings that don't exist anymore, and haven't for decades. It's been fun hunting these little treasures down! I'm planning on putting together a 'defunct' page, both as a reminder of these love letters to series and characters, and to act as a sort of wishlist for future fanlistings to exist again. I think it'd be nice!
In a similar vein, I may just make a fanlistings page for the ones I've joined. My little sidebar is getting crowded bahaha. I guess it's time for me to make my own collective page(s).
September 6th, 2024
Guess who got sick after the trip! I did. I'm still pretty fatigued, but getting back to my feet. Art page has been updated with some new pieces! -----------------------------------
August 29th, 2024
We got back from the tip! It was nice; Didn't see any whales, but saw quiote a few seals and a bald eagle or two! Lunenburg is a lovely town, and I'd definitely recommend everyone visit at least once. I'm glad to be home, though! Hoping to focus on both work and some fun things now that I'm back. I'll be trying to add more art here soon, some oldish and some new! I've drawn a lot and have a lot of my gallery to fill out.
August 25th, 2024
Been chipping away at things here, for the most part. Having a lot of fun applying to cliques and fanlistings and webrings! I love going down rabbit holes. Currently trying to add a column on the right side; struggling a little. I'll get it, though.
My partner and I are going whale watching this week! Looking forward to it.
Hi there! I'm Mo! I'm an artist, and while I do a lot of fan work, I have a number of OCs that i like to play with as well. I also enjoy making things like pins and acrylic items, which you can find linked in my Etsy above, along with my socials, which all have my art! I appreciate the look!

This site is heavily under construction, and a bit slow to update, since it's a little personal site. Thanks for being patient!